Detoxer removes what rinsing can’t
From surface to deep clean
Rinsing removes only a fraction of surface residues, leaving behind invisible contaminants. Detoxer goes further, using ultrasonic waves and active oxygen to break them down at the molecular level — where water can’t reach.

Active oxygen
Active oxygen (ozone) saturates water, creating a powerful oxidizing environment. This process breaks down pesticides, heavy metals, and bacteria at the molecular level, turning them into harmless compounds.
The same advanced purification technology used in food safety and water treatment — now available for everyday use.
Ultrasonic Waves
High-frequency ultrasound generates microscopic bubbles that penetrate deep into food surfaces, dislodging contaminants that water alone can’t remove. This powerful cleaning process ensures a deeper, more effective detoxification while keeping nutrients intact.
Eliminates the most dangerous contaminants
Do you think rinsing is enough?
Even if food looks clean, up to 70% of pesticides, bacteria, and toxins can still remain after washing.

Washing removes only…

What still remains
Be sure in what you eat with Detoxer

منظف الطعام
مزيل السموم
النظافة من الجيل التالي
أطلق العنان لقوة تقنيات الموجات فوق الصوتية والأوزون لتنظيف منتجاتك بعمق. على عكس الطرق التقليدية، يحافظ جهاز إزالة السموم على مذاق الفاكهة والخضروات وعناصرها الغذائية، ويضمن خلوها من الملوثات الكيميائية والميكروبيولوجية. أدخل تقنية التنظيف المتطورة التي تستخدمها أفضل المزارع في مطبخك المنزلي، مع تبسيطها لراحتك. اطمئن إلى أن منتجاتك نظيفة.
جودة وأداء معتمدان
تم اعتماد فعالية منتجاتنا من خلال اختبارات صارمة. وبصفتنا مالك العلامة التجارية والشركة المصنّعة، فإننا نلتزم بأعلى معايير الجودة والأداء. نحن نفخر بتصميمها وإنتاجها في أوروبا واختبارها بدقة في المختبرات السويسرية، ونشرف مباشرةً على كل خطوة من التصميم إلى الإنتاج، مما يضمن جودة وموثوقية فائقة.
مصممة للراحة اليومية
استمتع ببساطة تنقية منتجاتك في المنزل. يتميز جهازنا بأدوات تحكم مباشرة وتصميم مدمج للحصول على نتائج طازجة ونظيفة بأقل جهد ممكن. انسَ أوقات النقع الطويلة التي تتطلبها طرق الخل التقليدية أو غيرها من الطرق التقليدية - ما عليك سوى ملء الجهاز وضبطه وتجربته السحرية في دقائق.

إزالة السموم من المبيدات الحشرية وأكثر من ذلك بكثير
قم بتنقية طعامك من المبيدات الحشرية والمعادن الثقيلة والعفن والمواد الضارة بكفاءة تزيد عن 96%. تضمن لك أساليبنا الحديثة للتخلص من السموم خلو طعامك من السموم ونظافته ولذته. نحن نضمن إزالة المواد الضارة، مما يوفر أعلى مستوى من سلامة الغذاء. حسّن صحتك اليوم واشعر بالثقة بأن ما تأكله آمن وصحي.

Resistant to washing
Fat-soluble pesticides, embedded mold spores, and heavy metals bind tightly to food surfaces. Water alone cannot dissolve or dislodge them, leaving invisible toxins behind.
شاشة LCD ملونة تعمل باللمس مقاس 2.4 بوصة
Organic produce can still be contaminated with harmful substances. While grown without synthetic pesticides, it’s exposed to bacteria, mold, and environmental pollutants during harvesting, transportation, and storage — making it just as vulnerable as conventional food.
طاقة USB من النوع C
Contaminants hide under stems, between leaves, and deep within porous skins. Even with careful washing, residues remain in places water simply can’t reach.
تصل مدة عمر البطارية في وضع الاستعداد إلى 6 أسابيع
Berries, leafy greens, mushrooms, and even smooth fruits like apples have tiny crevices, porous skins, and hard-to-reach spots where contaminants hide. No matter how carefully you wash them, it’s impossible to reach every surface, leaving harmful residues behind.
The real health risks
What you can’t see can still harm you. Daily exposure to invisible contaminants in food can disrupt vital body functions, weaken the immune system, and increase the risk of serious health conditions. The real danger isn’t just what’s on food — it’s how it affects your health over time.

Hormonal Disruption
Exposure to certain pesticides can interfere with the endocrine system, leading to reproductive issues and metabolic disorders.

Neurological Effects
Heavy metals like lead and arsenic can impair cognitive development in children, resulting in learning difficulties and behavioral problems.

Gastrointestinal Issues
Consuming food contaminated with bacteria, mold, or parasites can cause digestive disorders, including food poisoning and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Organ Damage
Exposure to certain mycotoxins, produced by molds in food, can weaken the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections and diseases.
How it works
The science of Deep Cleaning
Detoxer uses a powerful combination of ultrasonic waves and active oxygen (ozone) to deeply purify food at the molecular level. This dual-action process works both on the surface and deep within fruits and vegetables, removing contaminants while keeping nutrients intact.

Active Oxygen
Surface detoxification
Active oxygen (ozone) is a powerful natural oxidizer that neutralizes harmful contaminants on food surfaces. When dissolved in water, ozone reacts with pesticides, bacteria, mold spores, and other organic pollutants by breaking down their molecular structures. This process destabilizes chemical bonds in toxins, breaking them down into safer, non-toxic compounds.
Ozone specifically targets contaminants because it reacts more readily with unstable chemical structures. These include compounds found in pesticides and microbial cell walls. At the same time, it leaves stable organic compounds in food, such as vitamins and nutrients, completely intact.
This advanced technology is widely used in food safety and water purification — now available for your home.

Ultrasonic Waves
Deep molecular cleaning
Ultrasonic waves create microscopic cavitation bubbles in water. As these bubbles collapse, they release intense energy that penetrates deep into the pores and crevices of food. This mechanical action dislodges embedded contaminants, including pesticide residues, heavy metals, and parasite eggs, which traditional washing can’t reach.
When combined with active oxygen, ultrasonic cavitation enhances ozone’s effectiveness. It increases the surface area for ozone contact, accelerates chemical reactions, and helps ozone penetrate deeper into hidden areas. This synergy ensures contaminants are broken down more efficiently than with either method alone.
This technology provides a deep, thorough cleanse without affecting the texture or nutrients of your food.
Proven by scientific tests
Independent laboratory studies confirm that Milerd Detoxer effectively eliminates harmful contaminants while preserving the essential nutrients in your food. See the results below.
Removes 97.6% of pesticide residues, including glyphosate — a widely used and persistent herbicide.
Detoxer neutralizes both water-soluble and fat-soluble pesticides.
Heavy Metals
Reduces 99.9% of toxic heavy metals, including lead, arsenic, and cadmium. Detoxer removes up to 10× more contaminants than water alone, preventing harmful buildup in the body.
Mold & Bacteria
Removes 96.3% of mold spores and bacteria, preventing their spread and reducing contamination risk.
Independent tests confirm superior sanitation over traditional washing.
Vitamin preservation
100% of essential vitamins retained.
Unlike chemical treatments or heat-based cleaning, Detoxer purifies food without degrading its natural nutrients.
3 easy steps to truly clean food:

1. التحضير
املأ حاوية عميقة غير بلاستيكية بالماء وأضف إليها المنتجات التي تريد تنقيتها. تأكد من أنها تطفو بحرية وأنها مغمورة بالكامل.

2. التنظيف:
ضع جهاز التنقية في الحاوية وحدد نوع الطعام على شاشة اللمس الخاصة بغسالة الفاكهة والخضروات. اضغط على "ابدأ" لبدء عملية التنظيف. سيقوم جهاز إزالة السموم بضبط الإعدادات تلقائيًا بناءً على نوع الطعام المحدد، وإكمال العملية في غضون 10 دقائق.

3. نتيجة:
بمجرد اكتمال عملية التنظيف، قم بتصريف المياه. الآن أصبح طعامك خاليًا من المواد الكيميائية الضارة والكائنات الحية الدقيقة والطفيليات. استمتع بمنتجات طازجة وآمنة دون القلق بشأن فقدان العناصر الغذائية أو التلوث.
شهادات العملاء
Marguerite P.
January 11, 2025
Just bought the Milerd Detoxer – such a great purchase! The Detoxer has several cleaning programs: one for fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries, and even a program for food you’re going to cook. Super easy to use, and it operates with ozone and ultrasound, which really preserves the taste and nutrition in the food. Highly recommend!
Ana E.
December 23, 2024
I bought it in a set with a meter and a food tester. I am very satisfied. The cleaner for fruits and vegetables does a great job. Previously, I tried washing with vinegar, but it’s too cumbersome and not entirely effective, plus the smell… The cleaner is simple to use. There’s basically nothing to complain about, except that the battery indicator could be more accurate, but that’s a minor issue.
Karl H.
December 17, 2024
Modern device. Touchscreen display. The device menu and manual available in German and several other languages. It’s easy to use and easy to keep clean (the bottom part can be easily removed and washed). It comes with a charger and manual. The box is really very nice with embossing. Everything feels professionally done. I recommend it.
Ola Å
November 21, 2024
I’m very satisfied with the Detoxer. It’s a much more convenient way to clean vegetables than manually washing everything.
Anne Ç.
October 14, 2024
After using the cleaner, fruits and vegetables last longer in the fridge, and I feel like they taste a bit better too. It’s definitely effective cleaning, unlike rinsing with water, which at best removes sand. I bought one for my parents, and they’re also satisfied.
Helga K.
September 26, 2024
The Detoxer arrived very quickly, perfectly packaged; everything works, and everything is clear and easy to use.We detoxed the vegetables and will use it to clean all our products.A great health investment – nitrates are, unfortunately, everywhere these days.
Robert G.
September 17, 2024
Excellent device, perfect for me as a raw foodist
Alistair S.
August 17, 2024
Good device. Easy setup and does a solid job cleaning. I clean fruits and greens after buying, then store them in the fridge. Saves time. Recommend.
Samantha J.
August 10, 2024
I have to say, I’m really impressed by how well the Detoxer cleans my food — it actually makes a noticeable difference. Store-bought grapes, especially the big red ones, used to be such a letdown with that odd, almost plastic-like bitterness and a dull coating that just didn’t look appealing. But with the Detoxer, the change was obvious right away. Now, the grapes look shiny and clean, and they taste fresher — just like they should.
Demetri R.
June 6, 2024
Really does the job – cleans food of all those toxins. Device is surprisingly quiet, and build quality feels solid. Got it after my friend recommended to me. He said he felt better after using it for a month.
Max W.
April 15, 2024
Great device. I got it for washing berries and mushrooms, and I’m completely satisfied – I’ve never seen so much dirt in the water.The interface is easy to understand, there are many cleaning modes, and the battery lasts a long time. In the spring, I’ll start taking it with me on forest trips.I recommend setting up a dedicated space for the Detoxer in your kitchen and remembering to charge it every 1-2 weeks, plus setting the screen to "dark mode" in settings.
Karol O.
February 12, 2024
I have the Detoxer cleaner, and it meets my expectations. Handy cleaning without the hassle of manual washing. I feel like the products last longer in the fridge after cleaning, which makes sense when you consider what they’re sprayed with. I recommend the product and the seller.
Guido S.
November 26, 2023
Since I got this device, I haven’t had any allergy issues. Every time I ate an apple with the peel, my lips would swell even though I poured boiling water over the apple. Today, after cleaning with the device, I can enjoy the taste of apples all year round without problems or fear. I'd recommend.
Andrea S.
September 20, 2023
Honestly, I’m super happy with the Detoxer. My son used to get skin rashes from certain fruits, but since we started using the food cleaner, that hasn’t happened. The device is very easy to use, and it has become part of my daily kitchen routine.
At first, I doubted its effectiveness, but fruits definitely last longer without residue or spoilage after using the cleaner, so I know it works.
Paolo С.
June 15, 2023
I recommend the device. It works quietly and cleans well. Fast delivery.
Yousef H.
April 5, 2023
Does exactly what it says. The interface is clear, and it runs quietly. It works without any cleaning agents, which is a real plus in my book.
The biggest benefit is probably in cleaning berries. Before, I could never find a way to clean them properly—just rinsing in water always felt more like a placebo than real cleaning. Personally, I wish it would have a sound signal at the end of the cleaning cycle. Overall, it’s a genuinely good gadget.
Miguel Í.
January 25, 2023
I doubted its effectiveness, but the fruits last longer without residue or spoilage after using the cleaner, so cleaning with ozone and ultrasound definitely works.
Mads Ø.
December 12, 2022
Definitely worth it. I didn’t expect such high build quality. I also have an older Food Cleaner. There’s a generational leap in favor of this model.
مواصفات المنتج
محتويات العبوة
مزيل السموم
USB Type-C منفذ
2.4 بوصة
شاشة تعمل باللمس
97,6 %
99,9 %
99,9 %
3 لتر
ما يصل إلى 6 أسابيع في وضع الاستعداد أو ما يصل إلى 20 معالجة قياسية
3600 mA/h
USB من النوع C
5 V
100x100x290 ملم
640 g
بلاستيك مضاد للحساسية