dzr 8 power and relax

UV-C Air Purifier

DZR-8 باور

DZR-8 باور

السعر بعد الخصم$299.00

Milerd DZR-8 هو جهاز تنقية هواء احترافي مضاد للماء ومبيد للجراثيم بالأشعة فوق البنفسجية. جميع الأجزاء الداخلية للجهاز محمية من الرطوبة. يمكن وضع هذا الجهاز في أي غرفة ذات رطوبة عالية، على سبيل المثال، منتجع صحي. جهاز تنقية الهواء مخصص للاستخدام في أي مكان يتواجد فيه الأشخاص والحيوانات دون أي قيود.
Air Flow: 75 m3/h
UV-C Lamp: 15 Watt
Interface: Touchscreen Display

Out of Stock

99.9 %

Killing of bacteria and viruses

including coronavirus


Personalised options

Choose the most suitable configuration for you

Safe UV-C

Does not let out UV emission

Safe for people around

Touch Screen

Autoprogramm Settings

Set up the schedule of operations

dzr 8 power and relax
dzr 8 power in bathroom
dzr 8 power midicine room

Product specification


Milerd DZR-8 is a professional waterproof bactericidal UV-C air purifier. All the insides of the device are protected from moisture. This device can be put in any room with high humidity, for example, spa. The air purifier is intended for use in any premises in people and animals’ presence without any restrictions.

Milerd DZR-8 case is made of high-quality steel with polymer powder staining. This eliminates corrosion and guarantees a minimum declared service life of at least 10 years.

Noise level does not exceed 24 dB - equivalent to whispering. The device does not cause any discomfort. With these features, Milerd air purifiers are currently on top of the line of the purifiers market.

Milerd DZR-8 Air Purifier is suitable for public places, such as schools, restaurants, cafes, offices, production facilities, beauty salons, fitness clubs, shops, etc. The device is already used by many organizations-partners of our company who have successfully passed a large number of checks for compliance with European directives.

DZR-8 باور
DZR-8 باور السعر بعد الخصم$299.00
DZR-8 باور
DZR-8 باور السعر بعد الخصم$299.00
Air Flow

Up to 300 m3/h

Maximum space of disinfection

Up to 250 m2

UV-C lamp power

Up to 285 Watt

Power consumption

Up to 290 Watt

Supply voltage

220V / 50Hz or another (depends on request)

draw dzr-8-power

Movement Freedom

Place the device vertically or horizontally on a surface or mount it on a wall. The distance between mountings is shown on the drawing.

Movement Freedom

Place the device vertically or horizontally on a surface or mount it on a wall. The distance between mountings is shown on the drawing.

draw dzr-8-power