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Milerd Introduces EcoTracker: Smart Food & Water Safety Device

Milerd Introduces EcoTracker: Smart Food & Water Safety Device

Milerd EcoTracker is an advanced device designed to help consumers monitor the safety of their food and water with ease. As concerns grow over contaminants in everyday products, EcoTracker provides...

air pollutants indoor

Top Ways to Reduce Pollutants in Your Home Environment

Indoor air quality is a growing concern as people spend up to 90% of their time indoors. Poor air quality, caused by pollutants like dust, mold, pet dander, and carbon monoxide, can significantly a...

radiation exposure on human's body

How can I track radiation exposure during extended outdoor expeditions?

Radiation monitoring is a critical aspect of hiking safety equipment, especially during extended outdoor expeditions. While rare, the presence of radioactive hotspots can pose a serious health risk...

radiation exposure on human body

What are the guidelines for safe radiation exposure levels during daily activities?

Radiation exposure is a natural part of daily life, but understanding its risks and safety measures is crucial for maintaining health. From cosmic rays to everyday electronics, radiation surrounds ...

EMF exposure while travelling

How can I protect myself from electromagnetic radiation while traveling or commuting?

In today's hyper-connected world, electromagnetic radiation exposure is an increasing concern, especially during travel or daily commutes. Public transportation, electric cars, and airports are som...

man having a rest at home

Top Ways to Reduce Pollutants in Your Home Environment

Did you know that indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air? Poor indoor air quality can have a significant impact on your health, contributing to allergies, respiratory is...