Milerd HiStand

Professional Geiger Counter

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November 30


Preț redus$299.00

Dozimetrul Milerd HiStand este un contor Geiger personal. Este conceput pentru a detecta articolele contaminate de radiații și zonele cu un nivel depășit de radiație de fond. Instrumentul monitorizează continuu doza de radiații acumulată de utilizator și avertizează când aceasta este depășită.

Multifunctional device in a compact housing


The high degree of sealing ensures that you do not have to worry about moisture getting into the personal radiation detector. This is especially important for use in conditions of high humidity or heavy rain. The device maintains its functionality even in extreme weather conditions. You can be confident in the reliability and durability of the device, regardless of the environment.


The durable case with silicone edge protects the device from shocks and falls. This added protection greatly reduces the risk of damage from accidental falls. The device remains unharmed even under active use. Buy a radiation counterand don't have to worry about its safety under everyday stress and extreme situations.

Solar panel

The solar panel significantly increases the operating time on a single charge. This is especially useful for those who are often away from power sources. Thanks to this device, you can stay connected longer and use it without the need for frequent recharging. Using solar energy makes the best handheld radiation measurement device more environmentally friendly and economical.

radiation detector performance

Color Display

Solar Panel

Water and shockproof case


Thanks to the built-in solar panel, the instrument can operate in autonomous mode for a long time. Even if the main battery is discharged, the instrument will continue to measure the radiation background and signal when the threshold values are exceeded.

720 h

Battery life during active use with the display on

∞ h

Continuous autonomous operation under normal use with recharging from the solar panel

Solar Energy

With the Milerd HiStand you don't have to worry about battery power. Thanks to the integrated solar panel, the operating time on a single charge is significantly extended.

battery icon
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Accumulated Dose

Monitor your pile-up daily dose of emitting. Set the limit value and averaging time. This allows you to effectively control and manage radiation security. The system automatically warns you when the set threshold is exceeded. This ensures that the necessary measures are taken in a timely manner to protect your health.

contact icon

Accumulated Dose

Monitor your pile-up daily dose of emitting. Set the limit value and averaging time. This allows you to effectively control and manage radiation security. The system automatically warns you when the set threshold is exceeded. This ensures that the necessary measures are taken in a timely manner to protect your health.

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portable radiation detector
diagram icon


This radiation measurement device stores the history of measurements for a year. You can always find out the peak value of background emanation and the pile up dose for a certain day, as well as the accumulated emanation dose for a month. This provides detailed analysis and monitoring of the emitting situation. With this data, you can better assess long-term impacts and make informed security decisions. The measurement history is available for review at any time, making emanation risk management more effective.

diagram icon


This radiation measurement device stores the history of measurements for a year. You can always find out the peak value of background emanation and the pile up dose for a certain day, as well as the accumulated emanation dose for a month. This provides detailed analysis and monitoring of the emitting situation. With this data, you can better assess long-term impacts and make informed security decisions. The measurement history is available for review at any time, making emanation risk management more effective.

portable radiation detector

Accumulated dose per day

The detailed statistics window displays the data collected for each day. You can find out the peak value of background radiation, as well as the pile-up radiation dose for a particular day. This feature allows you to control and analyze the emitting situation easily. Access to such detailed data helps you more accurately assess potential risks and take timely measures to ensure safety.

histand display

Cumulative dose over 30 days

In addition, the radiation detector for home displays the pile-up radiation dose over the last 30 days for more thorough environmental control. This feature provides greater context and understanding of the emitting environment over a longer period of time. This allows you to identify any trends or changes in emanation levels and take appropriate precautions. This detailed data analysis allows you to more effectively respond to changes and protect your health and security.

histand display

Accumulated dose per day

The detailed statistics window displays the data collected for each day. You can find out the peak value of background radiation, as well as the pile-up radiation dose for a particular day. This feature allows you to control and analyze the emitting situation easily. Access to such detailed data helps you more accurately assess potential risks and take timely measures to ensure safety.

histand display

Cumulative dose over 30 days

In addition, the radiation detector for home displays the pile-up radiation dose over the last 30 days for more thorough environmental control. This feature provides greater context and understanding of the emitting environment over a longer period of time. This allows you to identify any trends or changes in emanation levels and take appropriate precautions. This detailed data analysis allows you to more effectively respond to changes and protect your health and security.

histand display
radiation detector in hand
milerd dosimeter
histand autonomus
milerd dosimeter

Product specification


Milerd HiStand Dosimeter este un contor Geiger personal. Este conceput pentru a detecta articolele contaminate de radiații și zonele cu un nivel depășit de radiație de fond. Instrumentul monitorizează continuu doza de radiații acumulată de utilizator și avertizează când aceasta este depășită.

Milerd HiStand este un mic contor Geiger. Are protecție sporită împotriva șocurilor și a apei. Dispozitivul este folosit de serviciile guvernamentale. Are un timp de răspuns rapid și poate monitoriza dozele absorbite de radiații timp de 30 de zile. În afară de dozele totale, puteți revizui fiecare zi separat.

Milerd HiStand are o perioadă lungă de lucru în modul standby. Panoul solar poate menține funcționarea fără încărcare pentru o perioadă lungă de timp (până la 6 săptămâni). Pe ecranul LCD al dispozitivului puteți să vedeți nivelul actual de radiație, doza de radiație absorbită, istoricul măsurătorilor, să modificați nivelul pragului înainte de alarmă și progresul încărcării. Astăzi, este cel mai funcțional dozimetru. Este ușor de utilizat, protejat împotriva deteriorării și poate funcționa autonom.

Package contents

  • HiStand
  • Snap Hook
  • USB Type-C
  • Manual
  • Package

Color LCD


CPM / µR/h / µSv/h






USB Type-C 5V/1A


400 mAh, 3.7 V, LiPo

Battery operating time

Up to 30 days without solar panel panel
Unlimited hours when recharging from the solar panel


USB Type-C


150x30x22 mm


60 g

milerd histand

Ia-l cu tine oriunde mergi

Dimensiunea compactă a dispozitivului permite utilizarea zilnică ca dispozitiv portabil. Încape în buzunar sau în poșetă.

Ia-l cu tine oriunde mergi

Dimensiunea compactă a dispozitivului permite utilizarea zilnică ca dispozitiv portabil. Încape în buzunar sau în poșetă.

milerd histand